

Workbench is a familiar, Tines-powered AI chat interface to take action and access proprietary data in real-time, privately and securely. It has the general knowledge capabilities of the leading LLM it’s powered by, and it can run various tools configured in Tines. In keeping with all Tines AI features, your data is private and secure, never leaving your tenant.



Type into the chat box to start a conversation with Workbench. Conversations are individual to the user. Within each conversation, Workbench will have the context of all messages sent. Users can get real-time data from their systems and take actions by allowing Workbench to use tools.


When a tool is run, a user can view the JSON input and output of the tool within the conversation. There are three types of tools supported:

  1. Templates

    Templates are singular actions provided by Tines. To enable a template for access, users must:

    1. Select or create a credential that corresponds with the template's product

    2. Select the specific templates that Workbench can access

    Templates can be enabled or disabled through the green or grey dot. Templates that may make changes to your environment will prompt the user to confirm before running.

  2. Stories

    Stories are custom workflows built by users. To create a story that Workbench can access, users must:

    1. Define a name for the story

    2. Define a description of what your story does

    3. Configure the following send to story settings:

      1. Send to story setting is toggled on

      2. Input and output actions are configured

      3. Input parameters are defined

      4. Toggle Enable for: to either Workbench or Workbench and Send to Story

        Note: if Enable for Workbench is toggled on, the story can only be called via Workbench and cannot run autonomously (i.e. scheduled actions will not run and the webhook will not accept events from outside of Workbench). The story will not count towards any license counts.

    4. Toggle Require confirmation to run is set to your preference. If turned on, Workbench will not run the story without user confirmation.

    5. Within Workbench, stories can be enabled or disabled by selecting the green or grey enabled dot. Learn more about how to use stories with Workbench here.

  3. Internal tools

    Workbench has built-in functionalities designed to enhance and extend the capabilities of Workbench without additional configuration. Currently we have one internal tool with more on the way:

    • Code analyst

      Generates and runs Python code. Generated Python code can create and render images inline allowing for complex data transformations and visualizations.

    • Formulas docs

      Provides you with the latest up to date documentation on Tines formulas allowing you to ask questions around how to use specific formulas or how to achieve a specific goal using formulas.

Chat history 

View chat history by selecting the arrow in the top middle of Workbench. Users can search for existing chats, rename, and delete them. Select a chat to load the contents in Workbench and continue the conversation. Chat history retention and the ability to delete chats varies by Workbench plan, learn more here.

Custom instructions 

Configure custom instructions via the settings icon in the top right of Workbench. Custom instructions can define context for Workbench and will be processed by Workbench with each message sent. They are immediately applied to all existing conversations.


Workbench is scoped to the individual user. Tool configurations, chats, and custom instructions are individual to each user. Within Workbench, users can enable credentials or stories they have access to run within Tines. Specifically,

  • Credentials:

    • A user can access credentials that live in or are shared with their drafts in Workbench

    • A user with permissions story: runstory: update , and story: view, (editor and team admin roles have these permissions) in a team can access any credentials that live in or are shared with that team

  • Stories:

    • A user can access Workbench configured stories that live in or are shared with their drafts

    • A user with permissions story: runstory: update , and story: view, (editor and team admin roles have these permissions) in a team can access any Workbench configured stories that live in or are shared with that team


Send a case or event to Workbench 


To send a case to Workbench, select the kebab menu on the top right of the case and select Load in Workbench. This will open a new chat with Workbench with the embedded context of your case. Updates to the case will be sync'd with the chat in real time.


To send an event to Workbench, use the function WORKBENCH_LINK(). This will produce a link to Workbench. When a user opens this link, it will open a new chat with Workbench with the embedded context of your event. The latest details of this event will be available to Workbench in real-time.

Convert Workbench chat to story 

Convert your Workbench chat to a story by navigating to chat history, locating the chat to convert, and selecting the lightning icon. This will generate a story with the actions and stories run in your Workbench chat that can be used as a rich starting point to turn into a real and reusable workflow.

Mobile support 

Workbench supports a mobile chat experience for iPhone and Android devices. To access Workbench, visit your tenant URL in your mobile browser. Select Add to your Home Screen to create a more native app like experience. For optimal experience, certain features are not supported via mobile such as tool configuration and viewing tool inputs and outputs.

Keyboard shortcuts 

  • N starts a new conversation when viewing an existing one

  • / focuses the input cursor on the chat bar

  • Esc removes the input cursor from the chat bar

  • ⌘[ toggles the sidebar open and close


Presets allow team admins (or custom roles with the permission to manage the team) to pre-configure a set of templates (with credentials), stories, and custom instructions; making available to all team members for rapid and consistent use.

Creating a preset 

In the default ‘All tools’ view of Workbench, configure the templates, credentials, and stories you want to make available. Ensure you only choose credentials and stories that the team has access to. Then, hit ‘Create preset’, choosing the correct team and assigning a name and optional custom instructions.

Editing a preset 

To edit an existing preset, select the preset from the dropdown menu, then click the 'Edit preset' button. This allows you to modify the templates, credentials, and stories associated with the preset. All team members will immediately have access to the updated configuration.

To rename the preset or edit the instructions, click the settings icon next to the 'Edit preset' button.

Deleting a preset 

To delete a preset, click the settings icon and then click the 'Delete preset' button at the bottom.

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