Pre-upgrade recommendations
Before upgrading, we advise that you backup your data following the recommendations here.
Step 1. Downloading upgrade package
You will need to have an active Cloud tenant to access the latest self-hosted version of Tines. Download the Tines installation package using the following link:
https://<your cloud tenant name>.tines.com/admin/upgrade
For example
The file will be a zip archive named as follows: tines_<build id>.zip.
Unzip the archive and upload it to the host machine where Tines is installed.
Step 2. Move files to the installation directory
Unzip the installation package and move all the files to the tines installation directory:
unzip tines_<build_id>.zip
cp -rT tines_<build_id>/ /opt/tines
Step 3. Running upgrade script
The installation package includes an upgrade script, upgrade.sh. Ensure it is executable with the following command:
chmod +x upgrade.sh
Run the upgrade script:
When the upgrade script runs it will attempt to back up the database. To do this, it will print a list of volumes where the database data may be stored. When prompted, type the correct volume (under default conditions there will only be one).
If Tines did not start after running docker-compose up, check the console for relevant errors. You can also use steps in our Troubleshooting Tines on Docker Compose to diagnose the issue.
Contact support@tines.io with the output of upgrade.sh script and docker-compose logs.