Prerequisites for deploying Tines on Docker Compose

Preparation for Onboarding Meeting 

To prepare for a standard Tines self-hosted deployment, you need to complete the following tasks before your first onboarding meeting:

  • Complete and submit the Self-Hosted questionnaire 

  • Gather information for the configuration of the .env configuration file

  • At the installation stage, you will be required to configure your .env file.


Deployment Requirements 

  1. Provision a Linux host machine with the following minimum specifications: 8 GB RAM, 60 GB HDD, 2 CPUs.  For an AWS EC2 host machine, Tines recommends an m7i.large or m7a.large instance and a minimum disk space of 50GB.

  2. Ensure that your host machine has access to the internet.

  3. Open firewall inbound port 443 for HTTPs.

  4. Install Docker and Docker Compose on your host machine.

  5. Install netcat on your host machine.

  6. Set up an SMTP Server for your Tines tenant.

  7. Generate SSL/TLS certificate files and name the files tines.crt and tines.key.

  8. To request the download installation package, open a Support ticket via

  9. Provision a Linux host machine for Tines Tunnel (if applicable).

.env File Configuration Information Sheet 

At the installation stage, you will be required to configure your .env file. 

Prior to installation, use this Information Sheet to collect the following information for the .env file:

Tenant name: 

Telemetry ID:

Seed email:

Seed first name:

Seed last name:



SMTP domain:

SMTP user name:

SMTP password:

SMTP server:

SMTP port:

Email From address:

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