OPENSSL_DECRYPT(ciphertext, algorithm, key, iv, [aad], [auth_tag])
Usage examples
Example 1
Formula | =OPENSSL_DECRYPT(input.ciphertext, "aes-256-cbc", CREDENTIAL.secret_key, input.iv) |
Decrypts encrypted data using OpenSSL.
The output is your plaintext. Arguments:
encrypted: The encrypted ciphertext.
algorithm: The algorithm to use, one of ["aes-128-cbc", "aes-256-cbc", "aes-256-gcm", "aes-256-ecb", "aes-128-ecb"].
key: The key to decrypt with.
iv: The initialization vector used during encryption. Value must be set to "" or nil when algorithm does not support an IV (such as AES ECB).
aad: The unencrypted data to be authenticated. Only supported by AEAD algorithms.
auth_tag: The authentication tag. Only supported by AEAD algorithms.