SCIM allows you to configure an Identity Provider (IdP) to synchronize users with your Tines tenant.

The Tines API offers a set of SCIM v2-compliant endpoints, documented here. Our own API for provisioning a tenant's user group mapping is documented here.


Enabling SCIM 

To turn SCIM on or off for your tenant, go to "Authentication settings" in the settings menu. Note that SCIM is independent from SSO (even though you will probably use the same Identity Provider for both), and is not compatible with Just-in-time user provisioning.

If you enable SCIM for your tenant, users can only be added and modified via SCIM. Regular methods of inviting and modifying users (via the UI or the API) will be disabled and users can only be managed by the Identity Provider.

Configuring your Identity Provider 

In order to configure your Identity Provider to synchronize users with Tines you will need to configure the following:

  • Base URL: https://<<META.tenant.domain>>/api/scim/v2

  • Authorization: Bearer token, with a tenant-level API key

  • Unique identifier field for users: userName (note: Tines requires that the userName is the user's email)


Supported operations:

  • Provisioning Users and Groups.

  • Pushing Profile Updates.

  • Adding/removing Users from Groups

  • Deprovisioning Users.

    • Note: some Identity Providers may not fully remove users once they are deactivated, destroyed or removed from the application, and instead will mark them as active: false. While these users will no longer be able to access the Tines tenant, a Tenant Owner must delete them via the Tines UI or API to remove their data from the system.


Attribute mapping 

Refer to the API docs for the full list of User attributes supported by Tines.

In order to grant users the "Tenant Owner" role in Tines, you can map a field in your user profile to the userType field in the Tines application in your IdP. If you configure SCIM to sync profile attributes, users without this userType will lose their admin privileges. Alternatively, you can enable group mapping (see previous section), in which case the userType attribute is not used.

For example, in Okta, assuming there is an admin field in the User profile, add a mapping from Okta users to Tines of: (user.admin == true) ? 'TENANT_OWNER' : ''userType

Identity Provider Group to Tines permissions mapping 


Tines permissions mappings can be managed via our API, documented here.

Tenant Owners can configure a mapping between IdP groups and Tines permissions in the tenant's Authentication Settings. For example, the following would assign users in the Administrators group to be Tenant Owners, and members of several groups to join specific teams with different roles.

  "tenant_owners_groups": ["Administrators"],
  "mappings": [
    { "group_name": "Administrators", "team_name": "Analytics", "role_name": "TEAM_ADMIN" },
    { "group_name": "Managers", "team_name": "Analytics", "role_name": "TEAM_ADMIN" },
    { "group_name": "Managers", "team_name": "Incident Response", "role_name": "EDITOR" },
    { "group_name": "Analysts", "team_name": "Analytics", "role_name": "EDITOR" },
    { "group_name": "Everyone", "team_name": "Incident Response", "role_name": "VIEWER" }
  "tenant_permissions": [{ "group_name": "Managers", "permission": "AUDIT_LOG_READ" }]

Mapping Tenant Owners

In the example above, the tenant_owners_groups lists an IdP group (called "Administrators") that should get promoted to "Tenant Owner" . When tenant_owners_groups is configured, any existing users who are Tenant Owners and do not belong to a group listed here will be downgraded to regular user. Please make sure that group memberships are being synchronized correctly before making changes to this field. This mapping will also override the userType field, and this field becomes readonly (since the only way to turn a user's userType into "TENANT OWNER" is to assign them to a group in the list).

Mapping Tenant Permissions

The tenant_permissions field can be used to assign tenant permissions to IdP groups.

Mapping identities into Tines 

In order for your Idenitity provider groups to be mapped into Tines Teams or Case Groups, you need to configure a list of correspondences between IdP groups and Tines Teams via mappings.

This will specify how the users from the target IdP group are mapped into the destination Tines Teams or Case Groups, as well as the Role they will be assigned.

Mapping Teams or Case Groups

Each entry in the mappings array must have:

  • group_name field with the source name of an IdP group from your identify provider

  • team_name corresponding to a destination Tines Team or Case Group


In scenarios where a user is a member of more than one source IdP group that is mapped to a differing destination team or case group, the first applicable entry in the list will be used.

Mapping specific Roles

Additionally, each mapped IdP group must also be assigned to an existing Tines role name (VIEWER, EDITOR, TEAM ADMIN, CASE MANAGER or a custom role).

For example:

  "mappings": [
    { "group_name": "Managers", "team_name": "Analytics", "role_name": "TEAM_ADMIN" },
    { "group_name": "Managers", "team_name": "Incident Response", "role_name": "EDITOR" },
    { "group_name": "Analysts", "team_name": "Analytics", "role_name": "EDITOR" },
    { "group_name": "Everyone", "team_name": "Incident Response", "role_name": "VIEWER" },

In this case, if a user belongs to the Everyone and to the Managers source IdP Groups, they would get the EDITOR role in the Incident Response team since that is stated at the top of the list.


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