HTTP Request

The HTTP Request Action sends HTTP requests using POST or GET Methods to a specified url.

Use a HTTP Request Action to interact with REST APIs and web applications. For example: find all tweets mentioning specific keywords; update a JIRA ticket based on incoming Events; create a Pager Duty incident; check VirusTotal for an MD5 hash.


  • Send requests on receipt of incoming Events, or run on a schedule.

  • Send requests using 'GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH' and 'DELETE' methods.

  • Enable/disable SSL verification. TLS 1.2 and 1.3 are supported.

  • Optionally specify HTTP headers, including user agent.

  • Include information from incoming Events in HTTP requests

  • Request response will be emitted as a new Event

Configuration Options 

  • url: Specify where the request should be sent. Include the URI scheme ('http' or 'https').

  • method: (Optional) Specify the HTTP method to use, i.e.: getpostputpatch, or delete. Defaults to post.

  • payload: (Optional) Specify key-value parameters to include in the body of the request. Use wrapped JSONPaths to include data from incoming Events.

  • content_type: (Optional) Specify the content type to use with the request. When set, Tines will perform smart validation of HTTP request payload to fit the content type. If this is not desired behavior, set a content type header using the headers option instead. Shorthands are provided for the following, common content types:

    • 'application/json; charset=utf-8': json

    • 'text/xml; charset=utf-8': xml

    • 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded': form

    • 'multipart/form-data': data

  • headers: (Optional) Specify a hash of headers to send with the request.

  • basic_auth: (Optional) Specify HTTP basic auth parameters: "username:password", or ["username", "password"].

  • disable_ssl_verification: (Optional) Set to 'true' to disable ssl verification.

  • user_agent: (Optional) Specify a custom User-Agent name (default: "Tines (Advanced Security Automation;").

  • timeout: (Optional) Specify the timeout of the HTTP request in seconds. Defaults to 30 seconds.

  • retry_on_status: (Optional) Specify the array of status codes that should cause a retry. If the HTTP response received by the action has one of these codes, then it will be retried.

    • Each array element can be either a single status code (e.g. 400), or a range of status codes (e.g. 400-499). Ranges are inclusive of starting and ending values.

    • The retry schedule consists of 25 retries with exponential back-off plus random "jitter", starting at 5 seconds after the initial failure and gradually increasing to 10 minutes after the most recent failure, ie. [5, 10, 20, 40, 80, 160, 320, 600, 600, ...]. The jitter added is of random duration and up to (10 * (retry_count + 1)) seconds. Total back-off time over 25 retries is approx. 3h 20mins, [5 * (2**retry_count), 10 * 60].min + (rand(10) * (retry_count + 1)).

  • retries: (Optional) Specify the maximum number of retries. This does not affect the interval of retries, only the number that are performed. Defaults to 25.

  • log_error_on_status[0, 400-499, 500-599] by default. Specify the array of status codes that should cause an error to be logged. If the HTTP response received by the action has one of these codes, then an error will be logged. Note, if the action is configured to both log_error_on_status and retry_on_status for a status code, it will first retry and log that it failed but is retrying, but no error will be logged until all retries are exhausted.

    • Each array element can be either a single status code (e.g. 400), or a range of status codes (e.g. 400-499). Ranges are inclusive of starting and ending values.

  • mutual_tls: (Optional) Credentials to use mutual TLS for the request. Must be an object with the following keys:

    • root_certificate: The root certificate for the certificate authority (CA) responsible for signatures

    • client_certificate: The certificate issued by the CA for this client

    • client_private_key: The private key for the client certificate For convenience, this can also be an interpolated Mutual TLS credential containing the required information.

  • https_only: (Optional) Require that all requests use the HTTPS protocol, including redirects.

  • disable_redirect_follow: (Optional) Disables automatic following of redirects during HTTP requests. When false, only the results of the last request, as a result of the last redirect are shown. False by default.

  • disable_url_encoding: (Optional) Disable automatic URL encoding of non-URL-safe characters in the URL and query parameters. False by default.

  • params_encoder: (Optional) When set to 'flat' allows duplicate query parameters and when 'nested' duplicate params are not permitted. When 'nested', query params included in the payload are added to the query using array syntax eg. /example?key[]=value_1&key[]=value_2. Defaults to 'nested'.

  • parse_response_as: (Optional) Choose how responses are converted into event data, the default is to infer this from the response's Content-type header. Available options are:

    • text: Treat the response as plain text

    • json: Attempt to parse the response as JSON

    • xml: Attempt to parse the response as XML

    • file: Store the response as a file object with base64 encoded contents

  • use_tunnel: (Optional) If you have one or more Tines Tunnels configured, you can choose to send requests from this Action through a Tunnel.

  • send_get_payload_as_body: (Optional) For HTTP GET requests, rather than sending the payload as URL params (e.g., send as the request body.

  • query_params: (Optional) Specify key-value query parameters to be appended to the URL of the request. Query params can be used with both flat and nested query param formats, and with or without url encoding. Use wrapped JSONPaths to include data from incoming Events.

Emitted Events 

Events emitted by the HTTP Request Action will include the 'body', 'headers' and response 'code' from the returned response. For example:

  "body": "ok",
  "headers": {
    "Date": "Mon, 1 Jan 2018 10:10:00 UTC",
    "Content-Type": "text/html; charset=utf-8",
    "Transfer-Encoding": "chunked",
    "Connection": "keep-alive",
    "Set-Cookie": "__cfduid=df0297dac2e4057e71e36fb67009723e91519037460; expires=Tue, 01-Jan-19 10:10:00 UTC; path=/;; HttpOnly",
    "Via": "1.1 vegur",
    "Strict-Transport-Security": "max-age=15552000",
    "X-Content-Type-Options": "nosniff"
  "status": 200,
  "meta": {
    "response_time": 0.08232

Example Configuration Options 

The below samples use the utility.

Send a simple GET request:

  "url": "'",
  "method": "get"

Send a POST request with data from an incoming Event:

  "url": "",
  "content_type": "json",
  "method": "post",
  "payload": {
    "user": "alice",
    "title": "<<person.title>>",
    "age": "85"
  "headers": {}

Retry a request on 429 & 5xx errors, and log errors for other 4xx errors:

  "url": "",
  "content_type": "json",
  "method": "post",
  "payload": {
    "user": "alice"
  "retry_on_status": ["429", "500-599"],
  "log_error_on_status": ["400-428", "430-499"]

Send a request to a service that requires Basic authentication (password is accessed using the CREDENTIAL formulas key), include a custom header:

  "url": "",
  "method": "get",
  "headers": {
    "X-Tines-Request": "123456"
  "basic_auth": "postman:<<CREDENTIAL.postman>>"

Submit a file emitted as an attachment from an IMAP action to Virustotal using the data method:

  "url": "",
  "content_type": "data",
  "method": "post",
  "payload": {
    "file": {
      "contents": "<<BASE64_DECODE(get_email_with_attachment.attachments[0].base64encodedcontents)>>",
      "filename": "<<get_email_with_attachment.attachments[0].filename>>"
    "apikey": "<<CREDENTIAL.virustotal>>"
  "headers": {}

Note, in the above example, the file key underneath payload can be called anything and is used as the form name argument in the body of the request e.g. image or document. The action will find any such object with the child keys contents and filename set.

Additional parameters that do not need to be included in the HTTP boundary framing should be included as query parameters in the URL instead of the payload of the request e.g.<<channel_id>>&initial_comment=<<comment>>&filetype=<<filetype>>.

Egress IP addresses 

The egress IP is the IP address that external servers or services see as the source of an HTTP Request action's request. To see the egress IP addresses for your tenant, visit https://<tenant-domain>/info.


A HTTP Request can be scheduled to run at a specific time, interval & timezone. This can be configured using the Scheduling menu as demonstrated below:

This can also be injected via the JSON payload for the Action using the schedule object. See example:

  "schedule":[{"cron":"0 8 * * *","timezone":"Europe/Dublin"}]
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