More than meets the API

Leveraging the Tines API 

The Tines API allows you to integrate Tines with your other systems and automate tasks within Tines.

Re-emit actions 

You can re-emit actions using the re-emit API endpoint. This allows you to trigger actions programmatically.

Invite users 

You can invite new users to your Tines team using the invite member API endpoint.

Import stories 

You can import existing stories into your Tines account using the import stories API endpoint.

See queued jobs 

The list queued jobs API endpoint allows you to see what automation jobs are currently queued up in Tines.

Get time saved 

The time-saved API endpoint provides data on how much time your automations have saved you and your team.

The Tines API provides a powerful way to extend the capabilities of Tines. Try exploring the API documentation to see what else you can automate.

Resource tooling 

We know how to create resources in Tines for static items like email or URL, things we know are constant as we build stories. If we want to elevate this process, we can dynamically update resources as our story is running. This makes it so our resource is treated as a living, breathing thing and not just a static value.

With our resources, we can create, update, append, or delete. This makes resources a great way to store values between stories. It’s great for creating mini-data sets.

  • Example usages:

    • Temporarily store a counter during a story run.

    • Capturing user requests from a page and storing them as an array.

    • Being able to temporarily hold a resource that we may need to query many times in a day.

      • Saving us cycles on being able to query resources.

      • Temporarily holding something in the array and referencing that instead of hitting an API again.

Example: team provisioning 

When using Tines, we can embed some of Tines API in our internal workflows. Use a page to display all the teams in your tenant, add in an email of someone at your company you want to add to your team, select the role you want to give them (admin, editor, viewer), and then when you click submit Tines will send that invite over. This is dynamically leveraging the Tines API to increase productivity.

  • Steps:

    • Get all Tines teams [HTTP requestion action].

    • Select team and email to set up [page].

      • Fill out the page drop-down list with team names (use MAP).

      • Add drop-down for the role.

        • Admin

        • Editor

        • Viewer

      • Email input

    • Configure a “Send user invite to Team” action [HTTP requestion action].

      • References decision from page.

    • Results of the request are shown on the app [page].

In the below story, we can review how we can track a user's state by using resources.

Loading story...

Build APIs with Tines 

In Tines, you can create your own APIs to interact with other parts of your stories or external tools.

Check out Troy Wegner's blog about building APIs using Tines:

More info:

What is the Tines API? 

The Tines API allows you to:

  • Build APIs within Tines without any code. You can create an API endpoint by enabling "Webhook API responses" on a Tines workflow and choosing the option to "return data from the exit action as an HTTP response."

  • Share API endpoints with internal or external teams so they can use the API in their own applications.

  • Access free APIs that Tines provides for tenants to use, including WHOIS information, screenshot generation, reverse IP lookup, and finding IP addresses for a domain.

Tines connects to any API, allowing you to integrate your entire stack and automate workflows across different tools and systems.

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