Google Chronicle × Tines

Harness the power of Tines’ automation and Google Chronicle’s comprehensive security analytics to swiftly and accurately identify, respond to, and mitigate threats within your organization.

Pre-built templates

With Tines, you can easily take any action that has a defined API. We've already pre-built some of the most popular ones for you, so you can build quickly.

Update Reference List in Chronicle
Send Log to Chronicle
Send JSON Log to Chronicle
Run Retrohunt Rule in Chronicle
List Rules in Chronicle
List Rule Errors in Chronicle
List Reference Lists in Chronicle
List Detections in Chronicle
Get Reference List Contents in Chronicle
Get Detection by ID in Chronicle
Get Chronicle Recent IoCs
Get Chronicle IP IoC Details
Get Chronicle IP Access Asset List
Get Chronicle IoCs
Get Chronicle Hash Asset List
Get Chronicle Events for Asset
Get Chronicle Domain IoC Details
Get Chronicle Domain Access Asset List
Get Chronicle Alerts
Enable Live Rule in Chronicle

Build your own connections

With Tines, you can easily take any action that has a defined API using an HTTP request. To build even more quickly, copy a cURL command and paste it into the storyboard.

cURL request

curl -v -X GET --location "" -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Paste in your Tines story

Trusted by industry innovators

MarsMcKessonOak Ridge National LaboratoryOpenTableSnowflakeReddit

Built by you,
powered by Tines

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