Gmail × Tines

Enhance your email security by automating incident response and workflow management with the seamless integration of Tines’ powerful automation platform and Gmail’s robust email service.

Pre-built templates

With Tines, you can easily take any action that has a defined API. We've already pre-built some of the most popular ones for you, so you can build quickly.

Set Inbox Watch in Gmail
Send a plain text email in Gmail
Send a message to trash in Gmail
Send a HTML email in Gmail with Inline Image
Send a HTML email in Gmail with Attachment
Send a HTML email in Gmail
Search for Unread Messages in Gmail
Search for Messages To an Email Address in Gmail
Search for Messages from an Email Address in Gmail
Search for Messages by Subject in Gmail
Search for Messages by Message ID in Gmail
Remove a Thread from Trash in a Mailbox in Gmail
Remove a message from trash in Gmail
Read Individual Message in Gmail
Move a Thread to Trash in a Mailbox in Gmail
Mark Email as Read in Gmail
List Threads in a Mailbox in Gmail
List Gmail messages received after a certain date
List Forwarding Addresses in Gmail
List Filters in a User's Mailbox in Gmail

Build your own connections

With Tines, you can easily take any action that has a defined API using an HTTP request. To build even more quickly, copy a cURL command and paste it into the storyboard.

cURL request

curl -v -X GET --location "" -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Paste in your Tines story

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MarsMcKessonOak Ridge National LaboratoryOpenTableSnowflakeReddit

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powered by Tines

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