Atlassian × Tines

Integrating Tines with various Atlassian services, such as Jira, Confluence, and Bitbucket, enables automated, no-code workflows to streamline project management, documentation, and code collaboration.

Pre-built templates

With Tines, you can easily take any action that has a defined API. We've already pre-built some of the most popular ones for you, so you can build quickly.

Jira Service Management
Upload Feedback in Jira Service Desk
Jira Service Management
Update Customer Transition in Jira Service Desk
Jira Service Management
Get Users in Organization in Jira Service Desk
Jira Service Management
Get User Unsubscribe From Notification in Jira Service Desk
Jira Service Management
Get Subscription to Receive Notifications in Jira Service Desk
Jira Service Management
Get Subscription Status in Jira Service Desk
Jira Service Management
Get SLA Information in Jira Service Desk
Jira Service Management
Get SLA Information by ID in Jira Service Desk
Jira Service Management
Get Request Participants in Jira Service Desk
Jira Service Management
Get Request Comments in Jira Service Desk
Jira Service Management
Get Request Comment by ID in Jira Service Desk
Jira Service Management
Get Organizations in Jira Service Desk
Jira Service Management
Get Organization Property in Jira Service Desk
Jira Service Management
Get Organization Properties keys in Jira Service Desk
Jira Service Management
Get Organization in Jira Service Desk
Jira Service Management
Get Insight Workspaces in Jira Service Desk
Jira Service Management
Get Info in Jira Service Desk
Jira Service Management
Get Feedback in Jira Service Desk
Jira Service Management
Get Customer Transitions in Jira Service Desk
Jira Service Management
Get Customer Requests in Jira Service Desk

Build your own connections

With Tines, you can easily take any action that has a defined API using an HTTP request. To build even more quickly, copy a cURL command and paste it into the storyboard.

cURL request

curl -v -X GET --location "" -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Paste in your Tines story

Trusted by industry innovators

MarsMcKessonOak Ridge National LaboratoryOpenTableSnowflakeReddit

Built by you,
powered by Tines

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