
A Tines-powered AI chat interface where you can take action and access proprietary data in real-time, privately and securely.

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Welcome to Workbench

Chat with a language model, supercharged by the Tines platform.

Hey, can you reset Jennifer Browne’s Okta password?

To proceed, we need to confirm Jennifer Browne’s email address. Let me search for that information in our systems.

Lookup user on multiple platforms

I’ve found that information, her email address is

I’ll use the “Reset password in Okta” function to reset her password to a random value and clear her active sessions.

Reset password in Okta

I’ve successfully reset Jennifer Browne’s password in Okta. A password reset link has been generated:

Please ensure that you communicate this link securely, as it will allow direct access to reset the password.

Can I help with any related tasks?

Thank you that’s all for now

Always happy to help. Have a great day.

  • Connect anything

    Workbench, like all of Tines, integrates with anything. You define the available tools for LLM interactions.

  • Control data interactions

    Determine what stories or systems are available for Workbench interactions based on user roles.

  • Use natural language

    Describe in a message what you are aiming to achieve. This can be formed as a question or a statement.

Generative AI marks this decade’s most meaningful technology innovation.

It has the potential to change how everyone works. However, its use cases have been underwhelming as it's limited by access to proprietary data or take any action in real time.

The result is a proliferation of siloed copilots and restrictive chat tools. They are isolated to the confines of a singular tool and force you to switch between systems.

Workbench is different

Workbench main illustration
AI + Tines workflows icon

Where copilots and AI chat meets Tines workflows

We brought the familiar power of our intuitive workflow builder and integrate with anything platform to our AI-powered chat interface. Access your data and take action in real time.

Security icon

The same strong, secure foundation

All of our AI-powered features run in the same smart, secure, and private architecture. Your data never leaves the stack, does not travel on the open internet, is not logged, and is never used for training.

Seamlessly connect

Bring your data into your chat. Give your chat superpowers in hundreds of tools like Slack, Jira, and VirusTotal.

Custom workflows

Combine with the full power of Tines. Connect any send-to-story for compound tasks like “Kick off incident” or “Isolate device”.


Controls you need, out of the box. Built-in controls like confirmation, data security, audit logs, RBAC - all integrated into the core.

See it in action

 Tines Workbench is highly flexible and can be adapted to various security use cases based on your team’s specific needs.

Sample Use case

Phishing triage and response

This example demonstrates how Tines Workbench can help security teams:

  • Reduce manual effort in handling reported phishing attempts
  • Accelerate response times to potential threats
  • Ensure consistent handling of incidents
  • Improve overall security posture through automation

Welcome to Workbench

Assess risks
Monitor systems for compliance and policy enforcement
Chatbots to manage common user questions
Triage incidents
Assess risks
Monitor systems for compliance and policy enforcement
Chatbots to manage common user questions
Triage incidents
Enrich threats
Analyze email content
Isolate affected systems
Identify a root cause and find actionable insights
Enrich threats
Analyze email content
Isolate affected systems
Identify a root cause and find actionable insights
Detect Anomalies
Predict future threats
Contain a threat
Block malicious IP
Detect Anomalies
Predict future threats
Contain a threat
Block malicious IP
Triage incidents
Enrich threats
Provide context on threats
Aggregate and analyze data from multiple sources
Triage incidents
Enrich threats
Provide context on threats
Aggregate and analyze data from multiple sources

Simplified security alert management across clients

For MSSPs, Tines Workbench can be a game-changer in increasing operational efficiency, enabling your team, and ultimately boosting profit margins.

  • Increase margins by responding to higher alert volumes without proportionally increasing staff and optimizing resource allocation across clients.

  • Enhance service quality with consistent SLA-compliant responses, update workflows centrally, and provide more personalized service through client-specific automation.

  • Enable your whole team to respond to alerts, with Workbench as a knowledgeable assistant, bridging experience gaps and ensuring accurate and efficient responses to alerts.

Workbench isn’t just another security copilot. It can help any team from security and IT to HR, business operations, product, and engineering. Talk to our team to learn more about how you can put Tines Workbench into practice.

Book a demo

“Workbench completely changes how Tines is used. Most of the heavy lifting is done by the AI. All you have to do is build a bunch of action templates and let the AI do the rest. Previously I was skeptical about anything that had AI in it, but this is the right way to use AI. You guys really nailed it!”

Built by you,
powered by Tines

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