Stack and combine actions on the storyboard to build and run your workflows. Each action is purpose-built to handle any level of complexity without writing code.
Integrate across your whole stack, including your internal tools. Start from scratch, from thousands of prebuilt templates or simply paste a cURL command on the canvas.
Determine when to bring people in the loop and collaborate comfortably with safeguards, like change control, to experiment freely.
Build any workflow or process – regardless of complexity. Get up and running in minutes, not days or weeks. No code. No custom development. Fast, flexible and secure by design.
Take a quick product tour with this one-minute video.
Kicks off a workflow when something happens in an external system.
Send or receive data from another system at any point in your workflow.
Use an incoming email to initiate a workflow, or as a data source to bring into your processes.
Share information or outcomes from your workflow via email.
Run an LLM within the context of your workflow in a private and secure environment.
Structure and manipulate data at any point in your workflow.
Make decisions based on the data in your workflow before continuing.
Reuse a workflow by nesting it within other workflows.
AI in Tines is private and secure by design. Your data stays within your tenant. When and how your data interacts with AI is defined by you within the workflow.
The AI action brings the power of a secure and private LLM to your workflows as they run. Data never leaves your tenant.
Automatic transform leverages AI to generate code from your prompts, accelerating your ability to build robust data manipulation into your workflows.
If it offers an API, Tines connects with it. From mainstream solutions to niche and internal tools, Tines is an integrator across your entire stack.
I was impressed by how fast it was to drag and drop actions and configure them. It was significantly faster than writing the same thing in Python. That speed was the biggest thing for me.
Andrew Katz
Senior Information Security Engineer
The build and execution environments are the same, which means your most important workflows are ready to run and make an immediate impact. All without compromising on security or scale.
Create interactions outside of the storyboard through pages and prompts. Use them to gather context, confirm information, or add transparency to workflow outputs. Control and pause workflows through human confirmation or interactions.
Built-in safeguards like credential management, roles, change control, error handling, smart retries, and so much more at the action or workflow level, mean your team is always in the loop. If external tools behave unexpectedly, any member can go into the workflow and fix the issue.
A Tines-powered AI chat interface where you can take action and access proprietary data in real-time, privately and securely.
Welcome to Workbench
Chat with a language model, supercharged by the Tines platform.
Businesses of all sizes from global enterprises to national laboratories automate processes at scale with Tines.
Tines supports every tech stack, wherever it’s hosted. We offer self-hosted deployments or hybrid deployments through our tunnels with controls defined by you.
Our robust monitoring features give visibility into workflow performance, and create transparency on their output and impact.
Real-time reporting tracks general workflow performance (as well as user-defined performance like time saved) at the action or workflow-level.
Capture and monitor data across workflows with records. They are user-defined data captures that you add to the storyboard at any point in your workflows. This creates a centralized view of tabular data for reference, trend analysis, and more.
Create live dashboards, which offer curated views of your case and record data. Define and control views to share at-a-glance or deep insights across your workflows.
Cases provide a space for the entire team to collaborate on incidents, investigations, and workflow exceptions. With our automation-first approach to case management, you can create a case straight from the storyboard.
Anything that has a backend API, we’re now using Tines to tie into that tool. Our ability to integrate new tools has simplified so many of our everyday tasks.
Mike Crider
Cyber Vulnerability Analyst
Teams like yours build in Tines every day.
Break away from traditional SOAR. Tines is scalable for the enterprise and accessible for the whole team.
Move faster to reduce your backlog and create transparency across your organization.
Build workflows to connect your systems, and create consistency and transparency as you respond to requests.
Manage and monitor your software development with automated workflows.
Build in-product workflows and avoid the constraints of embedded iPaaS.
Automation for the threats you know, cases for the ones you don’t.
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Build apps with Tines to collaborate faster and more effectively while securing your business.
Apps in Tines
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