What does it take to become a Top Builder in Tines?

Written by Thomas Kinsella

We’ve just introduced the Tines Top Builder score, a measure of user activity that shows just how much hands-on experience you’ve had in Tines in a given year. Why track our Top Builders? We realized we were seeing a high level of achievement from our users – to the extent that it warranted some recognition. We set out to identify exactly who our Top Builders were, with the intent to celebrate their achievement at the end of each year.

Top Builders are calculated by tracking a mix of events that capture critical activities such as: 

  • Creating stories, actions, and credentials

  • Editing actions and links

  • The use of templates and story library imports

Becoming a Top Builder is a cumulative process: Reaching different volumes and types of activity allows you to move from Bronze to Silver to Gold. 

Just how elite are Top Builders?

Take a look at how the different levels stack up:

  • Bronze Top Builder: the top 3% of builders

  • Silver Top Builder: the top 1% of builders

  • Gold Top Builder: The top .05% of builders

Your level as of December 1st each year will determine your final score, and at the end of the year, you’ll be recognized for your efforts with a LinkedIn badge to show off your prowess. It’s worth noting that if you’ve earned your Tines certification, adding your Top Builder badge on LinkedIn can complement it by providing a picture of not only your knowledge of Tines, but also how often you use the skills you learned from completing your certification.

We’ll notify you with a celebratory email if and when you hit Bronze, Silver, and Gold Top Builder status. Keep an eye on your inbox to see your growth, and look out for a recap of all our Top Builders at the end of the year!

Built by you, powered by Tines

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