Account compromise (Part 2): Enrich alerts, avoid toil, and regain control during incidents

This is part 2 of a 3 part series on security automation for dealing with account compromise. Part 1 covers detection, part 2 looks at enrichment and case management, while part 3 tackles protection and response.

Account compromise (Part 1): Breaches are inevitable and early detection is crucial

This is part 1 of a 3 part series on security automation for dealing with account compromise. Part 1 covers detection, part 2 looks at enrichment and case management, while part 3 tackles protection and response. Democratizing suspicious email analysis with Tines and urlscan

We’re excited to announce, a free service, built in partnership with urlscan, that allows security teams to automate the analysis of suspicious emails.

What to consider when investing in case management for your security team

The ability of a security case management system to integrate with other systems, while itself providing a first-class API for automation, is also key in accelerating response times, enabling rapid enrichment, and fostering collaboration.

Crowdsourcing detections for the suspicious and impossible

How to crowdsource detections related to logins from new or suspicious locations in a few simple steps.

How to figure out what's next, with help from PagerDuty and Tines

How to leverage intelligent automation to give you the edge you need to stay ahead of what’s coming next, as complexity grows and incidents accelerate within your organization.

Upload to AWS S3 for hybrid analysis with AI

How to quickly upload text and attachments from emails to AWS S3 and then how to perform additional security and semantic analysis on them.

Secure your productivity with SentinelOne and Jira Service Desk

How to introduce modularization to a Story to enable its reuse across teams and future workflows.

Insider threat hunting with Datadog, CrowdStrike, and Tines

How Tines helps teams securely draw from multiple data sources and use a range of patterns to carry out their defensive work at scale and across multiple channels.

Partner perspectives: Faster response with Carbon Black and Tines

A conversation with our CEO, Eoin Hinchy, on how using Carbon Black together with Tines can help make security teams more efficient, effective and happier.

Subscribing to notifications in MS Graph

In this tutorial, we'll demonstrate how to subscribe to notifications in Microsoft Graph.

Automate the analysis of EML files

We’ve written many blogs about how to analyze suspicious emails, attachments, URLs, even email headers. However, there is a consistent question prospects ask about analyzing emails – how does Tines automate the analysis of .eml files?

TinesBot: Sharing community threat intelligence

TinesBot is an automation Story built within the Tines automation platform which shares threat intelligence generated by the infosec community.

Introducing: Story Runs

A Story run allows you to trace the exact path an event took through a Story. It contains the agents and their emitted events allowing you to easily troubleshoot and benchmark your automation stories.

Announcing the Tines Storyboard

Continuing our Autumn 2019 feature spotlight, we’re excited to reveal what we consider to be the most significant update to the Tines security automation platform yet: the Storyboard.

Introducing Send-to-Story

Rather than creating the same set of Actions in multiple Stories (thus violating the DRY-principle), Send to Story allows users create “sub-stories” to which events can be sent from other Stories.

Introducing the Tines Admin API

Starting our deep-dive into new features included in the Tines Autumn 2019 release, we’re proud to announce the Admin API. In this post we’ll explore how the Admin API can be used to manage users, jobs, and private templates.

Updated – Microsoft Graph security automation

Explore how to enable Tines for Microsoft Graph automation so that you can use information such as Outlook emails, organizational structure, advanced threat analytics, and more in your security program.

Chatbots for security and IT teams (Part 3): Creating a Slack chatbot

Examine how to send basic notifications in Slack to a single channel, then we’ll examine how to interact with our Chatbot from within Slack, and lastly, we’ll learn how to send proactive notifications to individual Slack users.

Chatbots for security and IT teams (Part 2): Microsoft Teams

This tutorial will delve deeper into Microsoft Teams chatbots and examine how to send rich notifications using Cards. It will also explain how to use the Microsoft Graph API and this chatbot to proactively find and contact users within...

Chatbots for security and IT teams (Part 1): Microsoft Teams

Communicating within and between remote teams is challenging, and many organizations are using communication tools like Slack and Microsoft Teams, and with them, chatbots,to improve communication and collaboration.