Promote changes to the live story.
Query Parameter | Description |
change_request_id | The ID of the change request |
Path Parameter | Description |
story_id | The ID of the story. |
Sample request
curl -X POST \
https://<<META.tenant.domain>>/api/v1/stories/<<story_id>>/change_request/promote \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <<CREDENTIAL.tines_api_key>>' \
-d '{
"change_request_id": "<<change_request_id>>"
A successful request will return a JSON object representing updated story.
Field description
Parameter | Description |
id | The story ID. |
name | The story name. |
user_id | ID of story creator. |
description | A user-defined description of the story. |
created_at | ISO 8601 Timestamp representing date and time the story was created. |
updated_at | ISO 8601 Timestamp representing date and time the story was last updated. It is best to use edited_at to track any modifications made to the story itself. |
edited_at | ISO 8601 Timestamp representing date and time the story was last edited. |
keep_events_for | Defined event retention period in seconds. |
disabled | Boolean flag indicating whether story is disabled. |
priority | Boolean flag indicating whether story is high priority story. |
tags | An array of tags used to classify the story. |
guid | Unique identifier of the story. |
team_id | ID of team to which the story belongs. |
folder_id | ID of folder to which the story belongs. |
send_to_story_enabled | Boolean flag indicating if Send to Story is enabled. |
send_to_story_access | Controls who is allowed to send to this story (TEAM ,GLOBAL ,SPECIFIC_TEAMS ). |
shared_team_slugs | List of teams' slugs that can send to this story when send_to_story_access is SPECIFIC_TEAMS , otherwise empty. |
change_control_enabled | Boolean flag indicating if change control is enabled. |
entry_agent_id | The ID of the entry action for this story |
exit_agents | An Array of objects describing exit actions for this story. |
slug | An underscored representation of the story name |
mode | The mode of the story, the updated Live story will be returned |
published | Boolean flag indicating whether the story is published. |
locked | Boolean flag indicating whether the story is locked to changes. |
owners | List of user IDs that are listed as owners on the story. |
Sample response
"id": 7981,
"name": "Simple story",
"user_id": 167,
"description": "In the simple story we will create a fictional situation where a detection system is configured to send alerts to our Tines tenant",
"keep_events_for": 604800,
"disabled": false,
"priority": false,
"send_to_story_enabled": false,
"send_to_story_access": null,
"shared_team_slugs": [],
"change_control_enabled": false,
"entry_agent_id": null,
"exit_agents": [],
"team_id": 1,
"folder_id": 1,
"tags": ["Tag 1", "Tag 2"],
"guid": "df1e838a18d20696120b41516497b017",
"slug": "simple_story",
"created_at": "2021-05-10T08:56:50Z",
"updated_at": "2021-05-10T08:56:50Z",
"edited_at": "2021-05-10T08:56:50Z",
"mode": "LIVE",
"published": true,
"locked": false,
"owners": [1]