Remove element


Remove a top level element from an array or key from an object in a resource. The request returns the removed item. If the resource has a test value this can be modified by using the is_test parameter.



Parameter Description
resource_id The ID of the live resource.
key The object key to remove if removing from an object.
index The index of the element to remove if removing from an array (with indexes starting at 0). If omitted the last element of the array will be removed
is_test Optional Boolean value stating if the test resource should be used

Sample request

Sample request for an array element

curl -X POST \
  https://<<META.tenant.domain>>/api/v1/global_resources/<<resource_id>>/remove \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <<CREDENTIAL.tines_api_key>>' \
  -d '{

Sample request for an object key

curl -X POST \
  https://<<META.tenant.domain>>/api/v1/global_resources/<<resource_id>>/remove \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <<CREDENTIAL.tines_api_key>>' \
  -d '{


A successful request will return the removed item from the resource in string format.

Sample response

"foo bar"
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