Orca Security × Tines

Enhance your cybersecurity posture by automating the integration of Tines’ powerful workflow capabilities with Orca Security’s comprehensive cloud security insights for rapid and efficient incident response.

Pre-built templates

With Tines, you can easily take any action that has a defined API. We've already pre-built some of the most popular ones for you, so you can build quickly.

Update Repo Image in Orca Security
Update Bulk Alerts to Snooze in Orca Security
Update Bulk Alert Verify in Orca Security
Update Bulk Alert Status in Orca Security
Update Bulk Alert Score in Orca Security
Update Assets to Crown Jewels in Orca Security
Update Alerts to Unsnooze in Orca Security
Update Alert to Snooze in Orca Security
Update Alert Status to Dismiss in Orca Security
Update Alert Status in Orca Security
Update Alert Severity in Orca Security
Query CVE Findings in Orca Security
List All Rules in Orca Security
List All Alerts in Orca Security
List Accounts in Orca Security
Get Top Alerts Query in Orca Security
Get Scan Status with Scan Unique ID in Orca Security
Get Scan Status with Asset ID in Orca Security
Get Scan Status in Orca Security
Get Rule with Rule ID in Orca Security

Build your own connections

With Tines, you can easily take any action that has a defined API using an HTTP request. To build even more quickly, copy a cURL command and paste it into the storyboard.

cURL request

curl -v -X GET --location "https://api.nasa.gov/neo/rest/v1/neo/browse?api_key=DEMO_KEY" -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Paste in your Tines story

Full workflow examples

Explore pre-built workflows for Orca Security. Use them for inspiration or as a starting point to build your custom automation solution.

Detect, log and remediate AWS alerts with Orca Security and Jira

Ingest AWS alerts from Orca Security, focusing on IAM misconfigurations. Take appropriate action based on severity and automatically remediate S3 bucket alerts. Confirm with user/team via Slack.

Tools: AWS, Jira Software, Orca Security, Slack

Identify and resolve false positive AWS alerts in Orca

This story gets alerts from Orca for AWS buckets that have been made public. It then pulls the details of the bucket in AWS to get the current bucket permissions and identify if this alert is a false positive or negative. If the bucket is now private, the alert in Orca is dismissed. If the bucket is still public, a Slack message is sent with bucket details and the option to either leave the bucket open and dismiss the alert or make the bucket private and close the alert. Once the choice has been made in slack, the message updates to reflect that choice and a comment confirming the chosen action has been completed is added to the thread.

Tools: AWS, Orca Security, Slack

Run asset vulnerability scans & add evidence to compliance system

Intake a cloud asset using a form, run a scan, and check for vulnerabilities using Orca Security. If vulnerabilities are present, an artifact is created and added to the vulnerability security controls in Drata. For both positive and negative vulnerability findings, the asset owner will be updated via email. Records will be added to Tines detailing the scan that took place.

Tools: Drata, Orca Security

Run & track vulnerability scans with Orca Security

Intake cloud assets, run a scan, and check for vulnerabilities. If vulnerabilities are present, a JIRA ticket will be created for remediation. If not, the asset owner will be updated via email.

Tools: Jira Software, Orca Security

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