Delete all events emitted by a specific action.
Parameter | Description |
action_id | ID of the action |
async_deletion | Boolean flag indicating if the deletion should be asynchronous by sending it to a background job. |
curl -X DELETE \
https://<<META.tenant.domain>>/api/v1/actions/<<action_id>>/remove_events \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <<CREDENTIAL.tines_api_key>>'
A successful request will return a JSON object describing the action with deleted events.
Field description
Parameter | Description |
id | Action ID. |
type | Action type |
user_id | User ID of the action's owner. |
options | JSON Options block of the action. |
name | Name of the action. |
description | A user-defined description of the action. |
schedule | An object defining the cron schedule for the action. |
blended_events_count | Number of events action has emitted in both TEST and LIVE mode. |
logs_count | Number of logs action has stored. |
last_check_at | ISO 8601 Timestamp representing date and time of action's last scheduled run. |
last_receive_at | ISO 8601 Timestamp representing date and time of last event received. |
created_at | ISO 8601 Timestamp representing creation date and time of action. |
updated_at | ISO 8601 Timestamp representing last updated date and time of action. |
last_event_at | ISO 8601 Timestamp representing date and time the last event was received. |
last_error_log_at | ISO 8601 Timestamp representing date and time of last error thrown by the action. |
disabled | Boolean flag indicating whether action is disabled. |
guid | Unique identifier of the action. |
group_id | ID of group to which the action belongs. |
position | An object describing the XY coordinates of the action on the story diagram. |
story_id | ID of story to which the action belongs. |
story_mode | Mode of the story to which the action belongs LIVE or TEST |
nested_group_id | ID of group contained in the action. |
team_id | ID of team to which the action belongs. |
sources | An Array of Action IDs this action receives emitted events from. |
receivers | An Array of Action IDs this action emits events to. |
monitor_failures | Boolean flag indicating if a notification should be sent when this action fails. |
monitor_all_events | Boolean flag indicating if all events should be monitored. |
monitor_no_events_emitted | Duration in seconds. If no events are emitted in this time, a notification will be sent. |
time_saved_unit | Unit of time corresponding to time saved value. |
time_saved_value | Number indicating the amount of time saved. |
page | An object with information on the associated page, if this is a page action |
action_memory_contents | An object containing an array of the values an action may be holding in its memory. |
slug | An underscored representation of the action's name |
links_to_sources | An array of links to source actions, including the source ID and the link type |
links_to_receivers | An array of links to receiver actions, including the receiver ID and the link type |
Sample response
"id": 73563,
"type": "Agents::EventTransformationAgent",
"user_id": 167,
"options": {
"mode": "deduplicate",
"path": "<<deduplicate_path.alert>>",
"lookback": "10"
"name": "Deduplicate alerts",
"description": null,
"schedule": null,
"blended_events_count": 0,
"logs_count": 2,
"last_check_at": null,
"last_receive_at": "2023-12-11T20:13:57Z",
"created_at": "2021-05-07T11:42:58Z",
"updated_at": "2021-05-07T11:47:00Z",
"last_event_at": "2023-12-11T20:13:52Z",
"last_error_log_at": null,
"disabled": false,
"guid": "f3fe6f8e167c9db42e64eaef8e5d2f0c",
"group_id": null,
"position": {
"x": 105,
"y": 195
"receivers": [70118],
"sources": [70116],
"team_id": 335,
"monitor_failures": false,
"monitor_all_events": false,
"monitor_no_events_emitted": null,
"time_saved_unit": "minutes",
"time_saved_value": 0,
"page": null,
"story_id": 807,
"story_mode": "LIVE",
"nested_group_id": null,
"links_to_sources": {
"source_id": 70116,
"link_type": "DEFAULT"
"links_to_receivers": {
"receiver_id": 70118,
"link_type": "NO_MATCH"